Know about Stock Exchange
A place/platform where buyers and sellers come together to transact in stocks and shares. It may be a physical entity where brokers trade on a physical trading floor via an "open outcry" system or a virtual environment.
Now day's it work's through electronic trading system.
In Electronic trading Brokers can trade from their offices, using fully automated screen-based processes. All their workplaces are connected to a Stock Exchange's central computer via satellite using Very Small Aperture Terminus (VSATs)/Bolt system. The buying/selling orders placed by you through your brokers reach the Exchange's central computer and are matched electronically.
Stock Exchanges in India.
1) BSE i.e. Mumbai /Bombay stock Exchange .
2) NSE i.e. National Stock Exchange (NSE).
are the country's two leading Exchanges. There are 20 other regional Exchanges, connected via the Inter-Connected Stock Exchange (ICSE). The BSE and NSE allow nationwide trading via their VSAT systems.
A place/platform where buyers and sellers come together to transact in stocks and shares. It may be a physical entity where brokers trade on a physical trading floor via an "open outcry" system or a virtual environment.
Now day's it work's through electronic trading system.
In Electronic trading Brokers can trade from their offices, using fully automated screen-based processes. All their workplaces are connected to a Stock Exchange's central computer via satellite using Very Small Aperture Terminus (VSATs)/Bolt system. The buying/selling orders placed by you through your brokers reach the Exchange's central computer and are matched electronically.
Stock Exchanges in India.
1) BSE i.e. Mumbai /Bombay stock Exchange .
2) NSE i.e. National Stock Exchange (NSE).
are the country's two leading Exchanges. There are 20 other regional Exchanges, connected via the Inter-Connected Stock Exchange (ICSE). The BSE and NSE allow nationwide trading via their VSAT systems.
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